Socialism Society (社会主義協会 (1900年))

Socialism Society was a socialism group in the Meiji Period. It was established in January, 1900.


Its predecessor was a socialism study group which had been held since 1898, and it was established by Isoo ABE, a chairman, and Kiyoshi KAWAKAMI, Sen KATAYAMA, Toshihiko SAKAI, Shusui KOTOKU, Naoe KINOSHITA, and Kojiro NISHIKAWA in January 1900. In May of the following year, 1901, the Social Democratic Party (Japan 1901) was formed by these members mentioned above (6 people excluding SAKAI), but two years later a ban was placed on the party. Therefore they got to enhance the activity of the Socialism Society, and introduced socialism together with Heiminsha, an association organized by KOTOKU.

In November 1904, the society was abolished under the First Katsura Cabinet.

[Original Japanese]